Grammatical and expressive aspects of sailors’ jargon.

22 października 2015 0 Przez administrator

Chapter 1
Introduction: jargon in general ……….. 3

Chapter 2
The concept of jargon………..5

2.1. Greetings and jargon………..9
2.2. Commands and their elements………..9
2.3. Warnings and their types………..10
2.4. Epithets………..11
2.5. Questions and replies………..11
2.6. Cultural terms………..13
2.7. Toasts and declamations………..17
2.8. Noise terms………..18
2.9. Use of structural forms………..18
2.10. Use of functional forms………..19

Chapter 3
Structure of sailors’ jargon………..20

3.1 Origin and literal character of the expressions………..20
3.2. Pronunciation of syllables, consonants, and vowels………..21
3.3. Wrong talk………..22
3.4. Conversions………..22

Chapter 4
Internet sources……….. 27

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