Logistics management businesses

20 grudnia 2020 0 Przez administrator

Introduction………. 8
Section 1
Logistics activities of the enterprise.

1.1. the essence of the company’s logistics activity………. 10
1.2. scientific approaches to optimization of logistics activities of the enterprise………. 22
Conclusions to Section 1 ………. 31

Section 2
Research of logistics activities of LLC

'Leroy.’………. 33
2.1 characteristics of Leroy LLC………. 33
2.2. analysis of logistics activities of Leroy LLC ………. 44
2.3. assessment of the company’s logistics system ………. 53
Conclusions to Section 2 ………. 72

Section 3
LLC logistics system optimization project

'Leroy.’………. 74
3.1. directions of optimization of the logistics system ………. 74
3.2. evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures. ………. 79

Conclusions to Section 3 ………. 87
Conclusions ………. 89
List of sources used ………. 92
Applications………. 95

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