Reading comprehension as a way of developing student ’s vocabulary in teaching english as a foreign language.

5 marca 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator


1. Aspects of teaching reading comprehension

1.1 Development of reading comprehension skills ………….5
1.2.Enhancement of students’ vocabulary volume in a reading comprehension process…………. 7
1.3 Appropriate preparation of students for the reading comprehension tests ………….10

2. Contents of reading comprehension teaching

2.1. Students’ practice and activities in variety of written texts ………….13
2.2 Development of efficient techniques of structure and vocabulary studies…………. 15

3. Development of effective strategies of reading comprehension

3.1 Using dictionary and related reference tools ………….18
3.2. Developing strateges for dealing with unknown words…………. 19
3.3. Adopting personal approach to building vocabulary…………. 19
3. Proceedings to achieve the objectives appointed ………….20
3.1. Reading comprehension the analysis of various types of texts…………. 20
3.2. Practical use of various strategies ………….25

4.The research

4.1. The procedure of the research ………….29
4.1.1. The description of the research…………. 29
4.1.2. Learner’s profiles (Appendix 1) ………….30
4.3. Description of subjects of research ………….33
4.2. The project ………….37
4.2.1. Lesson 1- Pre-test (Appendix 2)…………. 37
4.2.2. Lesson 2…………. 39
4.2.3. Lesson 3 ………….42

Conlusions ………….47
Bibliography…………. 50

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