Teaching speaking to different age groups.

7 marca 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator



Chapter 1
Developing speaking skills

1.1. Discussion
1.2. Language games
1.3. Problem solving activities
1.4. Drama
1.5. Drills
1.6. Questionnaires
1.7. Storytelling

Chapter 2
Age in language teaching and learning

2.1. Characteristics of children
2.2. Characteristics of adolescents
2.3. Characteristics of adults

Chapter 3
Lesson plans 18

Lesson plan 1: How do you spend your holiday?
Self-evaluation 1
Lesson plan 2: Missing postcards from holiday
Self-evaluation 2
Lesson plan 3: We’re going on summer holiday!
Self-evaluation 3
Lesson plan 4: My house
Lesson plan 5: My dream house

Works cited
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

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