The use of the internet in teaching English to young learners (Wykorzystanie Internetu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego na pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym)

10 listopada 2019 0 Przez administrator

Table of contents
Chapter 1
Technological development and its influence on English language teaching to young learners

1.1 Characteristics of young learners……….. 4
1.2 Teaching young learners……….. 4
1.3 Technological development……….. 5
1.3.1 Impact of globalization on English language teaching……….. 6
1.4 CALL– Computer Assisted Language Learning……….. 6
1.5 Importance of evaluation of websites……….. 7
1.6 Advantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 8
1.7 The roles of the teacher……….. 10
1.8 Disadvantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 11

Chapter 2
The opportunities given by the internet in English language teaching.

2.1 Internet based activities……….. 13
2.2 Basic functions of the internet in ESL……….. 14
2.3 Authentic materials……….. 16
2.4 ESL websites……….. 18
2.5 Sample websites……….. 19
2.6 YouTube channels……….. 21

Chapter 3
The Present Author’s Research.

3.1 Methodology of action research……….. 24
3.2 The aim of the research……….. 25
3.3 Description of the classes……….. 26
3.4 Description of the lessons……….. 29
3.4.1 Lesson no. 1……….. 29
3.4.2 Lesson no. 2……….. 31
3.4.3 The short test and its results………..32
3.4.4 Lesson no. 3………..34
3.4.5 Lesson no. 4………..35
3.4.6 The short test and its results………..36
3.5 Conclusion………..38
