Financial markets and cryptocurrencies

29 listopada 2021 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter I
Theory of financial markets

1.1. What financial markets are? …………5
1.2. Functions of Financial Markets…………5
1.3. Types of financial markets and their roles…………5
1.4. Commodities and bonds…………10
1.5. Commodities and stocks…………11
1.6. Bonds and stocks…………11
1.7. Oil, commodities, bonds and stocks…………12
1.8. Research results and conclusions…………13

Chapter II
Theory of cryptocurrencies

2.1. Strengths…………15
2.2. Weaknesses…………16
2.3. Opportunities…………17
2.4. Threats…………18

Chapter III
Case studies: 1 country accepting vs. 1 country rejecting -comparison.

3.1. Regulation of Cryptocurrency Around the World…………20
3.2. Cryptocurrencies in Argentina…………22
3.3. Cryptocurrencies in Japan…………24
3.4. Сryptocurrency in China …………27

Literature and references…………29

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