Tag: Filologia Angielska

Errors in written english at the elementary level

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Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Errors in language learning 1.1. Collection of a sample of learner language 1.2. Identification of errors 1.3. Description of errors 1.4. Explanation of errors 1.5. Evaluating errors Chapter 2 Response to errors 2.1. Assessing student performance 2.1.1. Teachers assessing students 2.1.2.…

The Amish and the modern world.

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Introduction Chapter 1 Who are the Amish? 1.1. Historical outline 1.2. Modernity as a reason for schisms within the Amish 1.3. The Amish today Chapter 2 Modern technology in the life of the Amish 2.1. The Amish general attitude towards technology 2.2. Technology within the…

Teaching speaking to different age groups.

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Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Developing speaking skills 1.1. Discussion 1.2. Language games 1.3. Problem solving activities 1.4. Drama 1.5. Drills 1.6. Questionnaires 1.7. Storytelling Chapter 2 Age in language teaching and learning 2.1. Characteristics of children 2.2. Characteristics of adolescents 2.3. Characteristics of adults Chapter…

Zapożyczenia angielskie we współczesnym języku polskim

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Wstęp Rozdział 1 Zagadnienia teoretyczne z wiązane z procesem zapożyczania 1.1 Procesy zapożyczania i wzbogacania słownictwa 1.2 Zapożyczenie Rozdział II Zapożyczenia w języku polskim i sposoby ich adaptacji 2.1 Spojrzenie na historię zapożyczeń w języku poskim i sposoby ich adaptacji 2.2 Zapożyczenia do 20 wieku…

Znaczenie zadania domowego w rozwoju samodzielności uczniów

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Table of content………1 Introduction ………2 Chapter one 1.1. Description of primary school students………. 3 1.2. Learners autonomy………. 4 1.2.1. Developing learner responsibility………. 6 Raising awareness………. 6 Changing attitudes………. 6 roles………. 7 1.2.2. Ways of promoting learners autonomy………. 8 teaching………. 9…

Using authentic materials to motivate children to learn English

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Introduction ………3 Chapter I The use of authentic materials ……… 5 1.1 Definitions of authentic materials ……… 6 1.2 Types of Authentic Materials ………7 1.3 Benefits of teaching with Authentic Materials………7 1.3.1. Advantages of using Authentic Materials………7 1.3.2. Criteria of the selection of text………11 1.3.3.…

English loanwords in the language of social networks

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Chapter OneTheoretical background 1.1 Borrowing as a process: overview 1.2 Borrowing defined 1.3 Borrowings at different levels of linguistic structure Chapter Two Borrowings in the social media 2.1 Digital social media 2.2 Research methodology and instruments 2.3 Presentation and analysis of examples 2.4 Concluding remarks…