Tag: Filologia Angielska prace naukowe

Religious stereotypes in modern English and Polish.

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Introduction………..3 Chapter I. Review of the theoretical problems of investigation of stereotyping 1.1. Introduction……….. 5 1.2. The notion of stereotype, its main features……….. 5 1.3. The functions of stereotypes……….. 7 1.4. Stereotype and generalization……….. 9 1.5. Stereotype and prototype……….. 11 1.6. The negative and positive…

Reading comprehension as a way of developing student ’s vocabulary in teaching english as a foreign language.

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Introduction………….4 1. Aspects of teaching reading comprehension 1.1 Development of reading comprehension skills ………….5 1.2.Enhancement of students’ vocabulary volume in a reading comprehension process…………. 7 1.3 Appropriate preparation of students for the reading comprehension tests ………….10 2. Contents of reading comprehension teaching 2.1. Students’ practice…