Tag: school

Teaching english vocabulary through physical activity to primary school learners

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Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to the TPR method 1.1. What is Total Physical Response (TPR)? 1.2. Why is this method effective for young children? 1.3. Opinions of scientists 1.3.1. Advantages of using TPR in the classroom 1.3.2. Disadvantages of using physical activity 1.4. Others methods to teach vocabulary Chapter 2 Using physical activity in English language teaching 2.1. Types of physical activity and movement 2.2. Functions of physical activity. 2.3. Ways of using physical activity during the lesson 2.4. Roles of teachers and learners Chapter 3 Methodology of personal research 3.1. Objective of the study 3.2. Methodology 3.2.1. Instruments 3.3.…

The role of project work as a factor enhancing learner autonomy in the EFL Junior High School classroom / Rola metody projektowej jako czynnika wspomagającego rozwój autonomii ucznia gimnazjum na lekcji języka angielskiego

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Table of contents List of tables List of figures List of appendices Introduction Chapter One 1.1. Characteristic of project work 1.2. Project-based methodology in the EFL classroom 1.3. Developing a project in the EFL classroom 1.3.1. Materials and equipment 1.3.2. Assessing a project 1.3.3. The role of the teacher 1.3.4. The role of students 1.3.5. The advantages and possible problems of project work 1.3.6. Project work in the light of adolescents’ developmental characteristics and educational needs Chapter Two 2.1. Autonomy 2.2. The concept of learner autonomy 2.3. Autonomy development in early adolescence 2.4. Fostering adolescent learner autonomy Chapter Three 3.1.…