Tag: The use of the internet in teaching English to young learners praca magisterska

The use of the internet in teaching English to young learners (Wykorzystanie Internetu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego na pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym)

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Table of contents Chapter 1 Technological development and its influence on English language teaching to young learners 1.1 Characteristics of young learners……….. 4 1.2 Teaching young learners……….. 4 1.3 Technological development……….. 5 1.3.1 Impact of globalization on English language teaching……….. 6 1.4 CALL– Computer Assisted Language Learning……….. 6 1.5 Importance of evaluation of websites……….. 7 1.6 Advantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 8 1.7 The roles of the teacher……….. 10 1.8 Disadvantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 11 Chapter 2 The opportunities given by the internet in English language teaching. 2.1 Internet based activities……….. 13 2.2…