Tag: english

Comparative analysis of selected emotions in English and Polish – a cognitive approach

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Introduction………1 Chapter 1 Emotions in language 1.1. Definition of emotions ……..3 1.2. Typology of emotions ……..6 1.3. The role of emotions in language…….. 9 1.4. Culture and emotion language ……..13 Chapter 2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Blending Theory 2.1. Conceptual Metaphor Theory ……..17 2.1.1. Definition and origins of the notion of conceptual metaphor……..17 2.1.2. Typology of conceptual metaphors ……..20 2.1.3. The role of conceptual metaphors in the English language ……..22 2.2. Blending Theory ……..24 2.2.1. Definition and origins of the notion of conceptual blending ……..24 2.2.2. Input spaces and the blending process…….. 26 2.2.3. Types of blending networks ……..28 2.2.4.…

Visual techniques in online teaching English as a second language (4-8 grade)

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Summary in polish Introduction Chapter 1. Visual techniques in teaching and learning in esl classroom 1.1 Visual aids in teaching second language – definition and features 1.2 Different kinds of visual and audio-visual aids 1.2.1 Pictures 1.2.2 Boards 1.2.3 Cartoons 1.2.4 Films 1.2.5 The other types of visual aids 1.3 Effectiveness of using visual techniques in esl classroom Chapter 2. Visual techniques in practice in online esl classroom 2.1 Research methodology 2.2 Research participants 2.3. Data presentation 2.3.1 The teachers’ survey 2.3.2 The educational experiment 2.4 Discussion 2.5 Conclusions and remarks Bibliogrаphy Appendixes Appendix 1. Questionnaire for the teachers Appendix…

The use of the internet in teaching English to young learners (Wykorzystanie Internetu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego na pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym)

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Table of contents Chapter 1 Technological development and its influence on English language teaching to young learners 1.1 Characteristics of young learners……….. 4 1.2 Teaching young learners……….. 4 1.3 Technological development……….. 5 1.3.1 Impact of globalization on English language teaching……….. 6 1.4 CALL– Computer Assisted Language Learning……….. 6 1.5 Importance of evaluation of websites……….. 7 1.6 Advantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 8 1.7 The roles of the teacher……….. 10 1.8 Disadvantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 11 Chapter 2 The opportunities given by the internet in English language teaching. 2.1 Internet based activities……….. 13 2.2…

Teaching english vocabulary through physical activity to primary school learners

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Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to the TPR method 1.1. What is Total Physical Response (TPR)? 1.2. Why is this method effective for young children? 1.3. Opinions of scientists 1.3.1. Advantages of using TPR in the classroom 1.3.2. Disadvantages of using physical activity 1.4. Others methods to teach vocabulary Chapter 2 Using physical activity in English language teaching 2.1. Types of physical activity and movement 2.2. Functions of physical activity. 2.3. Ways of using physical activity during the lesson 2.4. Roles of teachers and learners Chapter 3 Methodology of personal research 3.1. Objective of the study 3.2. Methodology 3.2.1. Instruments 3.3.…

Errors in written english at the elementary level

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Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Errors in language learning 1.1. Collection of a sample of learner language 1.2. Identification of errors 1.3. Description of errors 1.4. Explanation of errors 1.5. Evaluating errors Chapter 2 Response to errors 2.1. Assessing student performance 2.1.1. Teachers assessing students 2.1.2. Students assessing themselves 2.2. Feedback on written work 2.3. Feedback during oral work Chapter 3 The study 3.1. Aim 3.2. Procedure 3.3. Results 3.3.1. Identification of errors 3.3.2. Description of errors 3.3.3. Explanation of errors 3.3.4. Evaluation of errors Conclusions Works cited

Borrowings in English and English norrowings in Polish.

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Introduction……….1 Chapter one 1.1. Justification of the choice of the topic ………. 2 1.2. The process of borrowing ………. 3 1.3. The roots of words ……….6 1.4. The influence of Shakespeare times on the English Language………. 8 1.5. Why is the process of borrowing so important……….10 Chapter two 2.1. Historical sources of borrowed words………. 13 2.2. German borrowings ……….14 2.3. Celtic borrowings……….15 2.4. Latin borrowings ……….16 2.5. Scandinavian borrowings………. 17 2.6. The Norman influence………. 18 2.7. Dialect borrowings ……….20 Chapter three 3.1. How the Polish language has changed thanks to the English language ……….23 3.2. Problems with taking words from…

Religious stereotypes in modern English and Polish.

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Introduction………..3 Chapter I. Review of the theoretical problems of investigation of stereotyping 1.1. Introduction……….. 5 1.2. The notion of stereotype, its main features……….. 5 1.3. The functions of stereotypes……….. 7 1.4. Stereotype and generalization……….. 9 1.5. Stereotype and prototype……….. 11 1.6. The negative and positive aspects of stereotyping……….. 12 Chapter II. Linguistic ways of presentation of religious stereotypes in English and Polish 1.1. Introduction……….. 16 1.2. Verbal ways of presentation of religious stereotypes……….. 16 1.2.1. Positive religious stereotypes ……….. 17 1.2.2. Negative religious stereotypes……….. 24 Conclusions……….. 30 Bibliography……….. 33 Summary……….. 34

Complements in Polish and English- compare and contrast.

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Abstract Chapter 1 The correlation between case, tense and the distribution of clausal arguments in Pesetsky and Torrego’s analysis Chapter 2 Polish data bearing on Pesetsky and Torrego’s proposals 2.1 Noun and adjective complementation 2.2 The to-omission asymmetry in Polish finite clausal arguments and the (missing) że (’that’)-trace effect Chapter 3. Conclusion References

Reading comprehension as a way of developing student ’s vocabulary in teaching english as a foreign language.

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Introduction………….4 1. Aspects of teaching reading comprehension 1.1 Development of reading comprehension skills ………….5 1.2.Enhancement of students’ vocabulary volume in a reading comprehension process…………. 7 1.3 Appropriate preparation of students for the reading comprehension tests ………….10 2. Contents of reading comprehension teaching 2.1. Students’ practice and activities in variety of written texts ………….13 2.2 Development of efficient techniques of structure and vocabulary studies…………. 15 3. Development of effective strategies of reading comprehension 3.1 Using dictionary and related reference tools ………….18 3.2. Developing strateges for dealing with unknown words…………. 19 3.3. Adopting personal approach to building vocabulary…………. 19 3. Proceedings to…

Using authentic materials to motivate children to learn English

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Introduction ………3 Chapter I The use of authentic materials ……… 5 1.1 Definitions of authentic materials ……… 6 1.2 Types of Authentic Materials ………7 1.3 Benefits of teaching with Authentic Materials………7 1.3.1. Advantages of using Authentic Materials………7 1.3.2. Criteria of the selection of text………11 1.3.3. Disadvantages of using authentic materials………13 1.4 Advice on how to overcome difficulties………17 Chapter II The role of motivation in foreign language learning 2.1 Definition of motive………21 2.1.1. Kinds of motivation………23 2.2 Psychological characteristics of the young language learner………23 2.3 The use of motivational strategies in teaching children………27 2.3.1 Using Authentic Materials to motivate pupils………31 Chapter…

English loanwords in the language of social networks

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Chapter OneTheoretical background 1.1 Borrowing as a process: overview 1.2 Borrowing defined 1.3 Borrowings at different levels of linguistic structure Chapter Two Borrowings in the social media 2.1 Digital social media 2.2 Research methodology and instruments 2.3 Presentation and analysis of examples 2.4 Concluding remarks and ideas for further research Polish summary References