Tag: learners

The use of the internet in teaching English to young learners (Wykorzystanie Internetu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego na pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym)

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Table of contents Chapter 1 Technological development and its influence on English language teaching to young learners 1.1 Characteristics of young learners……….. 4 1.2 Teaching young learners……….. 4 1.3 Technological development……….. 5 1.3.1 Impact of globalization on English language teaching……….. 6 1.4 CALL– Computer Assisted Language Learning……….. 6 1.5 Importance of evaluation of websites……….. 7 1.6 Advantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 8 1.7 The roles of the teacher……….. 10 1.8 Disadvantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 11 Chapter 2 The opportunities given by the internet in English language teaching. 2.1 Internet based activities……….. 13 2.2…

Using authentic materials in teaching listening to adult learners

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Introduction……….5 Chapter 1 Teaching english to adults 1.1. Teaching english as a foreign language……… 7 1.2. Adult learners ………10 1.3. Advantages of teaching adults ………11 1.4. Disadvantages of teaching adults……… 12 Chapter 2 Teaching listening 2.1. Listening as one of the skills……… 14 2.2. Extensive and intensive listening ………15 2.3. Teaching listening by different approaches and methods……… 17 2.4. Stages of a listening lesson……… 21 Chapter 3 Authentic materials 3.1. The definition of authentic materials……… 23 3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of using authentic materials ………24 3.3. The application of authentic materials ………26 Chapter 4 The role of authentic materials in…

Teaching english vocabulary through physical activity to primary school learners

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Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to the TPR method 1.1. What is Total Physical Response (TPR)? 1.2. Why is this method effective for young children? 1.3. Opinions of scientists 1.3.1. Advantages of using TPR in the classroom 1.3.2. Disadvantages of using physical activity 1.4. Others methods to teach vocabulary Chapter 2 Using physical activity in English language teaching 2.1. Types of physical activity and movement 2.2. Functions of physical activity. 2.3. Ways of using physical activity during the lesson 2.4. Roles of teachers and learners Chapter 3 Methodology of personal research 3.1. Objective of the study 3.2. Methodology 3.2.1. Instruments 3.3.…

The acquisition of words & idiomatic expressions through watching films- learner’s portfolios.

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Preface 1 Chapter 1 Effective vocabulary learning procedures through the medium of television 1. Introduction……….3 2. Cultural competence and communicative competence as a goal in language learning………. 3 3. Motivation as a significant factor in second language acquisition ……….5 4. The characteristic of a Good language learner and learner’s autonomy as a key to becoming successful language learner………. 6 5. Subtitles as a foreign language learning enhancing tool in vocabulary acquisition………. 8 6. Positive effects of using subtitles while watching a film ……….10 7. The potential of subtitles for language learning in comparison with dubbing ……….11 8. The importance of…