Using authentic materials in teaching listening to adult learners

10 listopada 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter 1
Teaching english to adults

1.1. Teaching english as a foreign language……… 7
1.2. Adult learners ………10
1.3. Advantages of teaching adults ………11
1.4. Disadvantages of teaching adults……… 12

Chapter 2
Teaching listening

2.1. Listening as one of the skills……… 14
2.2. Extensive and intensive listening ………15
2.3. Teaching listening by different approaches and methods……… 17
2.4. Stages of a listening lesson……… 21

Chapter 3
Authentic materials

3.1. The definition of authentic materials……… 23
3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of using authentic materials ………24
3.3. The application of authentic materials ………26

Chapter 4
The role of authentic materials in teaching listening to adults

4.1. Researsh aims……… 28
4.2. The participants……… 28
4.3. The procedure……… 29

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