Tag: The praca magisterska

The Challenges of Translating Articles about Football in Different Countries.

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Introduction……….3 Chapter One 1.1 Introductory remarks ……….4 1.2 What exactly is translation? ……….4 1.3 Types of translation ……….5 1.4 The challenges of translation………. 6 1.5 Equivalence………. 7 1.6 Skopos theory ……….7 1.7 Translation methods………. 8 1.8 Translation procedures………. 9 1.8.1 Translation procedures proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet………. 9 1.8.2 “Stylistic procedures” proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet………. 11 1.8.3 Translation procedures proposed by Peter Newmark ……….12 1.8.4 Translation strategies proposed by Mona Baker ……….14 1.8.5 Translation procedures proposed by Arkadiusz Belczyk………. 15 1.8.6 Catford’s translation shifts ……….17 1.9 Concluding remarks………. 17 Chapter Two 2.1 Introductory remarks ……….18 2.2 Information about the…

The Destructive Power of Art in Selected Gothic Fiction/Niszczycielska siła sztuki w wybranych przykładach prozy gotyckiej

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Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One The Gothic: contexts and definitions 1.1 The genesis of Gothic literature 1.2 The uncanny 1.3 Character types: the heroine and the villain 1.4 Gothic ekphrasis Chapter Two Zann and Pickman: the artist as medium Chapter Three Oval portraits, prophetic pictures, viral images: Uncanny art Conclusion Streszczenie Summary Works cited

The use of the internet in teaching English to young learners (Wykorzystanie Internetu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego na pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym)

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Table of contents Chapter 1 Technological development and its influence on English language teaching to young learners 1.1 Characteristics of young learners……….. 4 1.2 Teaching young learners……….. 4 1.3 Technological development……….. 5 1.3.1 Impact of globalization on English language teaching……….. 6 1.4 CALL– Computer Assisted Language Learning……….. 6 1.5 Importance of evaluation of websites……….. 7 1.6 Advantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 8 1.7 The roles of the teacher……….. 10 1.8 Disadvantages of using the internet during English lessons……….. 11 Chapter 2 The opportunities given by the internet in English language teaching. 2.1 Internet based activities……….. 13 2.2…

The Amish and the modern world.

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Introduction Chapter 1 Who are the Amish? 1.1. Historical outline 1.2. Modernity as a reason for schisms within the Amish 1.3. The Amish today Chapter 2 Modern technology in the life of the Amish 2.1. The Amish general attitude towards technology 2.2. Technology within the Amish 2.3. Changes in adaptation of some technologies Chapter 3 Social aspects of life 3.1. The Amish attitude towards the society 3.2. The Amish and the state 3.3. Education 3.4. Organisational patterns 3.5. Values cherished by the Amish Conclusions Works Cited

The hostile worlds in Ian MacEwan’s fiction. An analysis of the child in time and atonement.

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1. Introduction ……….. 4 2. The setting. 2.1. The setting in The Child in Time ……….. 6 2.2. The setting in Atonement ……….. 8 3. The characters. 3.1. Characters in The Child in Time ……….. 13 3.2. Characters in Atonement ……….. 17 4. The plot. 4.1. The plot in The Child in Time ……….. 23 4.2. The plot in Atonement ……….. 25 Conclusion ……….. 29 Bibliography ……….. 32

The importance of homework assignments in Second Language Teaching.

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Introduction……1 Chapter 1. The significance of homework in education…….2 1.1. What is homework?………2 1.2. Historical background…….3 1.3. The role of homework……….3 1.4. Attitudes to homework…….4 Chapter 2. Teaching and homework effectiveness……6 2.1. Types of homework……….6 2.1.1. Amount of homework required….7 2.2. Effects of homework…..8 2.3. Teacher reinforcement and feedback……10 2.4. Family involvement and tutoring…10 Chapter 3. The research application……..12 3.1. Aims of the research….12 3.2. Description of the subjects…12 3.3. Procedure…12 3.3.1. Observation of lessons….13 3.3.2. Interviews………….13 3.3.3. Questionnaires..13 3.4. Assessment of results…..13 Conclusion…20 References…21

The role of project work as a factor enhancing learner autonomy in the EFL Junior High School classroom / Rola metody projektowej jako czynnika wspomagającego rozwój autonomii ucznia gimnazjum na lekcji języka angielskiego

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Table of contents List of tables List of figures List of appendices Introduction Chapter One 1.1. Characteristic of project work 1.2. Project-based methodology in the EFL classroom 1.3. Developing a project in the EFL classroom 1.3.1. Materials and equipment 1.3.2. Assessing a project 1.3.3. The role of the teacher 1.3.4. The role of students 1.3.5. The advantages and possible problems of project work 1.3.6. Project work in the light of adolescents’ developmental characteristics and educational needs Chapter Two 2.1. Autonomy 2.2. The concept of learner autonomy 2.3. Autonomy development in early adolescence 2.4. Fostering adolescent learner autonomy Chapter Three 3.1.…

The Spirit of Britishness in Chariots of Fire

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Introduction……….4 Chapter I Chariots of Fire……….6 1.1 Overview of the Film……….6 1.2 The True Story of an Ambitious British Jew and a Devout Missionary……….8 1.3 Historical Background……….9 Chapter II Britishness……….11 2.1 What is Britishness?……….11 2.2 Britishness in Literature……….13 2.3 Britishness Today……….16 Chapter III Britishness in Chariots of Fire……….18 3.1 Sport and National Identity……….18 3.2 Picture of Traditional British Institutions……….21 3.3 Fair Play……….24 Conclusion……….26 Bibliography……….28 Streszczenie……….30 Summary……….31

The acquisition of words & idiomatic expressions through watching films- learner’s portfolios.

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Preface 1 Chapter 1 Effective vocabulary learning procedures through the medium of television 1. Introduction……….3 2. Cultural competence and communicative competence as a goal in language learning………. 3 3. Motivation as a significant factor in second language acquisition ……….5 4. The characteristic of a Good language learner and learner’s autonomy as a key to becoming successful language learner………. 6 5. Subtitles as a foreign language learning enhancing tool in vocabulary acquisition………. 8 6. Positive effects of using subtitles while watching a film ……….10 7. The potential of subtitles for language learning in comparison with dubbing ……….11 8. The importance of…

The impact of corporate social responsibility to manage the company’s image as an example of the zywiec group

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Contents Introduction Chapter I Corporate social responsibility as a modern model of business management 1.1. The history of corporate social responsibility 1.2. The definition of corporate social responsibility 1.3. The corporate social responsibility in poland 1.4. The selected tools of corporate social responsibility 1.4.1. Codes of conduct 1.4.2. Management standards 1.4.3. Reporting 1.4.4. Labels 21 1.4.5. Initiatives 1.5. Advantages and disadvantages of corporate social responsibility Chapter II Management of the company’s image 2.1. The concept of company’s image and its functions 2.2. The elements of company’s image 2.3. Types of company’s image 2.4. Tools using for creating the corporate image…

The influence of the global status of English on learners’ attitudes towards learning the language.

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Abstract……….i Table of Contents……….ii List of Tables……….iii List of Figures………. iv 1 Introduction 2 Theoretical Background. 2.1 Motivation to learn English………. 5 2.1.1 What is motivation – defining the term………. 5 2.1.2 Views of motivation………. 6 Behavioral approach………. 7 Constructivist theory of learning………. 7 Cognitive approach………. 9 Humanistic approach………. 12 2.1.3 Learner orientations………. 14 Instrumental and integrative motivation………. 14 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation………. 15 2.2 English as an international language………. 19 2.2.1 What is EIL?………. 19 2.2.2What made English global………. 21 2.2.3 Braj Kachru’s model of three concentric circles………. 23 2.2.4 English 'models’ –…

The life of Diana, Princess of Wales: success or failure? Zycie Diany, ksieznej Walii, sukces czy porazka?

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Index Introduction 1. Chapter one: Known as people’s princess 1.1. Lady Diana’s birth and childhood 1.2. The future princess’s education 1.3. Diana’s passion 1.4. Adulthood 1.5. 'Fabulous’ marriage 1.6. Happy family? 2. Chapter two: Success or failure? 2.1. Living life to the full 2.1.1. Help the Aged 2.1.2. Chain of Hope 2.1.3. Landmines 2.1.4. Motherhood 2.2. Downside of fame 2.2.1. A triangle? 2.2.2. Begging for help 2.2.3. Monster princess 2.2.4. Divorce 2.2.5. 'Mummy’ Conclusions Streszczenie pracy dyplomowej Diploma thesis abstract Appendix Bibliography