The influence of the global status of English on learners’ attitudes towards learning the language.

22 października 2015 Wyłączono Przez administrator

Table of Contents……….ii
List of Tables……….iii
List of Figures………. iv

1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background.

2.1 Motivation to learn English………. 5
2.1.1 What is motivation – defining the term………. 5
2.1.2 Views of motivation………. 6 Behavioral approach………. 7 Constructivist theory of learning………. 7 Cognitive approach………. 9 Humanistic approach………. 12
2.1.3 Learner orientations………. 14 Instrumental and integrative motivation………. 14 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation………. 15
2.2 English as an international language………. 19
2.2.1 What is EIL?………. 19
2.2.2What made English global………. 21
2.2.3 Braj Kachru’s model of three concentric circles………. 23
2.2.4 English 'models’ – Standard English, World Englishes, EIL/EFL………. 26
2.2.5 The issue of intelligibility of English as a Lingua Franca………. 29
2.2.6 Lingua Franca core for pronunciation………. 31
3 Methodology and Data.
3.1 The objectives of the research………. 36
3.2 Research hypotheses ……….36
3.3 Procedure………. 37
3.4 Subjects………. 38
3.5 Questionnaire………. 39
4 Results and Data Analysis.
4.1 Motivation to learn English………. 45
4.2 The importance of learning English in Poland………. 48
4.3 English and its role as a global language………. 50
4.4 Culture in instructional materials………. 53
4.5 Learners’ attitudes towards accents of English………. 56
5 Conclusions………. 59
References………. 62

Appendix A Questionnaire (English version)……….66
Appendix B Questionnaire (Polish version)……….70

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