The Challenges of Translating Articles about Football in Different Countries.

13 października 2020 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter One

1.1 Introductory remarks ……….4
1.2 What exactly is translation? ……….4
1.3 Types of translation ……….5
1.4 The challenges of translation………. 6
1.5 Equivalence………. 7
1.6 Skopos theory ……….7
1.7 Translation methods………. 8
1.8 Translation procedures………. 9
1.8.1 Translation procedures proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet………. 9
1.8.2 “Stylistic procedures” proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet………. 11
1.8.3 Translation procedures proposed by Peter Newmark ……….12
1.8.4 Translation strategies proposed by Mona Baker ……….14
1.8.5 Translation procedures proposed by Arkadiusz Belczyk………. 15
1.8.6 Catford’s translation shifts ……….17
1.9 Concluding remarks………. 17

Chapter Two

2.1 Introductory remarks ……….18
2.2 Information about the source texts ……….18
2.3 Genre of the source texts ……….19
2.4 Concluding remarks ……….20

Chapter Three

3.1 Introductory remarks………. 21
3.2 Purpose of the study………. 21
3.3 Material and methods………. 21
3.4 Assumptions about the readers of the translation………. 22
3.5 Challenges and procedures used as solutions………. 22
3.5.1 Uncertainty about the author’s intended meaning………. 22
3.5.2 Mistakes in the source text……….23
3.5.3 Translation of elements of football terminology………. 24
3.5.4 Translation of elements from the third culture………. 24
3.5.5 Differences between the source and the target language………. 25
3.6 Methods used during the translation process ……….37
3.7 Concluding remarks ……….38

Final conclusions ……….39
Summary in English………. 41
Summary in Polish………. 42
Bibliography ……….43
Subject Literature………. 44
Appendixes………. 45

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