From Middle to Early Modern English: phonology, morphology, and lexicon.

22 października 2015 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter 1
Middle english

1.1. External history of middle english……….. 6
1.2. Middle english phonology……….. 7
1.3. Middle english morphology……….. 11
1.3.1. Inflection……….. 11
1.3.2. Nouns……….. 11
1.3.3. Adjectives……….. 12
1.3.4. Pronouns……….. 12
1.3.5. Personal pronouns……….. 13
1.3.6. Verbs……….. 13

Chapter 2
Early modern english

2.1. External history of early modern english……….. 15
2.2. Phonology- great vowel shift……….. 16
2.3. Eme morphology……….. 16
2.3.1. Nouns and adjectives……….. 16
2.3.2. Pronouns ………..17
2.3.3. Verbs……….. 18
2.3.4. Nouns……….. 19
2.3.5. Adjectives……….. 19

Chapter 3
Lexical developments from middle to early modern english

3.1. Historical background of the english lexicon vocabulary……….. 20
3.2. Borrowings from french……….. 20
3.3. Borrowings from latin……….. 20
3.4. Other sources of loanwords……….. 22

Conclusion……….. 25
Works cited……….. 26
Summary in polish……….. 27

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