Measurement of quantum efficiency of thin film solar cells (praca w jęz. angielskim)
7 marca 2019
1. Introduction
2. Solar cells
2.1. Basis of solar radiation
2.2. Phenomena in semiconductor
2.3. Photovoltaic effect
2.4. Basic structures of solar cells
2.5. Main properties
2.6. Advantages of thin film solar cells
3. Measurements
3.1. Measurement methods
3.1.1. Measurement of the quantum efficiency
3.1.2. Measurement of the I-V curves
3.2. Tools
3.2.1.The source measure unit (Keithley)
3.2.2. The monochromator (Bentham)
3.2.3. The lock-in amplifier (EG&G)
4. Results of measurements
4.1. Quantum efficiency
4.2. I-V Curves
5. Summary and conclusions
6. References
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