Visual techniques in online teaching English as a second language (4-8 grade)

22 października 2021 Wyłączono Przez administrator

Summary in polish

Chapter 1.
Visual techniques in teaching and learning in esl classroom

1.1 Visual aids in teaching second language – definition and features
1.2 Different kinds of visual and audio-visual aids
1.2.1 Pictures
1.2.2 Boards
1.2.3 Cartoons
1.2.4 Films
1.2.5 The other types of visual aids
1.3 Effectiveness of using visual techniques in esl classroom

Chapter 2.
Visual techniques in practice in online esl classroom

2.1 Research methodology
2.2 Research participants
2.3. Data presentation
2.3.1 The teachers’ survey
2.3.2 The educational experiment
2.4 Discussion
2.5 Conclusions and remarks

Appendix 1. Questionnaire for the teachers
Appendix 2. The tasks and lessons conducted during the experiment.
Appendix 3 – observation sheet.
Appendix 4 – survey’s for the pupils

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