Cooperation of Visegrad Group countries – the perspective of Poland

3 marca 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter 1
Genesis and areas of cooperation in Visegrad Group

1.1 Historical background:……… 6
1.2 The idea of cooperation ………15
1.3 Visegrad Four co-operation since the Visegrad countries entered the EU:……… 17
1.4 Eastern Partnership: ………19
1.4.1 Comparative study on the EU Eastern Policy concepts with plans of V4:……… 20
1.4.2 EaP partner countries: no common vision:……… 21
1.4.3 Divided on Results: ………22

Chapter 2
Visegrad Fund

2.1 Visegrad Fund ………23
2.2 Structure of Grants and Programs……… 24
2.2.1 Standard Grants ………24
2.2.2 Small Grants ………24
2.2.3 Visegrad Strategic Program ………25
2.2.4 Visegrad Scholarship Program……… 25
2.2.5 Visegrad Artist Residency Program……… 26
2.2.6 Visegrad University Studies Grant……… 27
2.3 Scholarships ………28
2.4 Visegrad+ Program (Flexible Fund)……… 30
2.4.1 Visegrad+ instrument:……… 31
2.5 Examples of Grants of Visegrad Fund:……… 32

Chapter 3
Polish Presidency of V4 Group

3.1Context of Presidency ………36
3.2 Goals off Presidency ………37
3.3 Areas of cooperation ………38
3.3.1 Energy Security in the Gas Sector ………38
3.3.2 Oil market / Oil sector……… 39
3.3.3 Electricity Market……… 39
3.3.4 Nuclear Power……… 40
3.4 Common Agricultural Policy:……… 41
3.4.1 Food safety……… 41
3.5 Health, science, technology and information……… 41
3.6 Influence of CEFTA on trade with V4 Countries……… 42

Conclusion ………44
List of Abbreviations……… 45
Bibliography……… 47

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