Motivation in language learning: differences between children, adolescents and adults.

7 marca 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter 1
Age in language learning

1.1. The effects of age
1.1.1. The route of acquisition
1.1.2. The rate in language learning
1.1.3. The issue of success in language acquisition Proficiency in pronunciation Proficiency in grammar
1.2. Explanations of age differences
1.2.1. Biological factors and the critical period hypothesis
1.2.2. Cognitive explanations
1.2.3. Affective explanations
1.2.4. Language environment differences

Chapter 2
Motivation and its role in language teaching

2.1. Extrinsic motivation
2.2. Intrinsic motivation
2.3. Motivating children
2.4. Motivating adolescents
2.5. Motivating adults

Chapter 3
The study

3.1. Aim and procedure
3.2. Subjects
3.3. Results
3.3.1. Children
3.3.2. Adolescents
3.3.3. Adults

Works cited
Appendix 1: The questionnaire for children and adolescents
Appendix 2: The questionnaire for adults

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