Using authentic materials to motivate children to learn English

3 marca 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator

Introduction ………3

Chapter I
The use of authentic materials ……… 5

1.1 Definitions of authentic materials ……… 6
1.2 Types of Authentic Materials ………7
1.3 Benefits of teaching with Authentic Materials………7
1.3.1. Advantages of using Authentic Materials………7
1.3.2. Criteria of the selection of text………11
1.3.3. Disadvantages of using authentic materials………13
1.4 Advice on how to overcome difficulties………17

Chapter II
The role of motivation in foreign language learning

2.1 Definition of motive………21
2.1.1. Kinds of motivation………23
2.2 Psychological characteristics of the young language learner………23
2.3 The use of motivational strategies in teaching children………27
2.3.1 Using Authentic Materials to motivate pupils………31

Chapter III
The study

3.1 The aim of the study………32
3.1.1. Descriptions of the participants………32
3.1.2. Method………33
3.2 Lesson plan one………35
3.2.1 Lesson plan two………40
3.2.2 Lesson plan three………43
3.2.3. The survey………47


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