The impact of corporate social responsibility to manage the company’s image as an example of the zywiec group

5 marca 2019 Wyłączono Przez administrator


Chapter I
Corporate social responsibility as a modern model of business management

1.1. The history of corporate social responsibility
1.2. The definition of corporate social responsibility
1.3. The corporate social responsibility in poland
1.4. The selected tools of corporate social responsibility
1.4.1. Codes of conduct
1.4.2. Management standards
1.4.3. Reporting
1.4.4. Labels 21
1.4.5. Initiatives
1.5. Advantages and disadvantages of corporate social responsibility

Chapter II
Management of the company’s image

2.1. The concept of company’s image and its functions
2.2. The elements of company’s image
2.3. Types of company’s image
2.4. Tools using for creating the corporate image
2.5. Image and identity of the company

Chapter III
Using corporate social responsibility in the functioning of Żywiec Group

3.1. Values of Żywiec group
3.2. Principles of business ethics in Żywiec Group
3.3. Examples of good practices in Żywiec Group
3.3.1. Strategy for sustainable development
3.3.2. Alcohol policy of Żywiec Group
3.3.3. Social policy of Żywiec Group
3.3.4. Environmental policy of Żywiec Group

Chapter IV
The results of the surveys

4.1. Description of the assumptions for survey
4.2. Characteristics of respondents
4.3. Respondent’s opinion on company’s image

List of figures
List of tables
Appendix 1 questionnaire

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